2010. február 16., kedd

Steve Turner válogatás

Steve Turner egy érdekes költő. Évek óta szemezgetek a kötetével, The King of Twist (1989). Egy kis válogatás, íme.

The Pitch

There are only two people
on the planet.
A very small market.
But the King of Twist
has a selfimprovement course
he wishes to offer.
It is called
How to Become God.

It only takes a minute,
he says,
but the results
could last forever.


The King of Twist
wears great shoes.
He laughs a lot.
He is religious.

He started a rumour
that he had a tail,
so that no one would
disturb him at work.

Twist, Twist & Twist Inc.

Tobacco builds up your muscle
Candy will help you grow thin
Coffee improves relationships
Glucose makes sure that you win

Lipstick will get you a lover
Clean hair is better than brains
Cola can unite the nations
Money can soothe away pain

Truth is whatever you make it
The fires of hell don't exist
The world will go on for ever
I'm not the real King of Twist
aki csak rövid posztokat akar olvasni, menjen a fészbukra

az instára


akit semmi nem érdekel, ne olvasson semmit.

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